Brighton Marketing recruitment and jobs -  Talent Hub

About Us

Liz Reid-Martin / Cath Reid-Martin - Directors / Co-founders Talent Hub

Who we are

We’re big believers in playing to our strengths. So, in May 2011, when we decided to go into business together, it was pretty obvious what we’d do. Utilising our knowledge, skills and backgrounds has been the driving force and the back-bone of our business.

  • Liz had 14 years marketing and digital experience, both in-house and agency side, and now also has 13 years in recruitment at Talent Hub.

  • Cath worked in marketing, media and digital recruitment for 7 years at London's best niche media agencies and UK wide recruitment companies. All before her 13 successful years at Talent Hub.

Coming from different sectors, but with the same work ethic and core values; we always agreed that Talent Hub was going to be about integrity, honesty and providing a good service to employers and the people we worked with. And most importantly, fun for us. Loving what we do, working with great people and the journey of helping them find their dream jobs, and businesses grow through finding the best people for their team has been incredible.

The past 12 years have been a challenging, rewarding and an everyday-day-is-different journey. Long may it continue.

Get in touch

How we work

Briefing - Brighton Marketing recruitment and jobs -  Talent Hub

Getting under the skin and understanding what is required is crucial for us.

Advertise and social media - marketing recruitment and jobs
We Spread the word

We speak to our registered people, pay for advertising and social media campaigns

Headhunt - executive search for marketing, digital and creative jobs
We headhunt

The most successful way to find 'the right person' is to proactively find them.

CV tips and advice when recruiting digital and marketing jobs at Talent Hub
Crunch the details

After initial chat, we advise on highlighting the relevant details in CVs.

interviewing when recruiting marketing and digital jobs in Sussex - talenthub
Finding the talent

Our interviews are thorough yet informal, not just around skillset, but culture fit too.

sussex recruitment agency talenthub, local and specialist
Manage the process

From organising interviews and negotiating job offers, we manage everything.

sussex, Surrey, Kent and London - areas covered by talenthub
Focused on one area

The majority of our clients and job seekers are based in Sussex and the South East.

guarantee people pass probation or free replacement

For the past 10 years, 98% of our people have passed their probabation & been happy.